Cancellation and refund policy
All prices displayed on the website are in Australian Dollars.
Description of goods, services and prices may be subject to change or correction at any time. Although we seek to ensure information is correct, we make no representation or warranty as to information being accurate or complete. If we discover an error (EG goods or services are displayed for the wrong price), we will try to notify you as soon as possible and allow you to cancel your order and obtain a refund if desired. You may be required to provide your credit card details to us for the purpose of issuing a credit to your credit card account in the amount of any cancelled order.
Cancellation and refunds policy
We understand last minute events unexpectedly pop up, however, we also believe organisation is key.
You may cancel or reschedule a session in writing 48 hours prior to the date of the inspection.
Notification must be received by email sent to by 12 midday, two (2) days prior to the confirmed and scheduled session.
The fee will be refunded.
Should the session be cancelled in writing less than 48 hours prior to the confirmed session, no refund will be provided. The session may be rescheduled to another date and time convenient to both parties without any additional costs to you, providing you do this within 48 hours of cancellation.
Your deposit will be forfeited if you
- do not reschedule within 30 days
- cancel your booking more than three (3) times
- fail to notify us within 48 hours where you will also be charged the remainder of the price for the Service, payable on the day of the session.
If you are using a Gift Voucher and you do not provide 48 hours notice, the deposit will be deducted from the price of the voucher.
These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with Australian Commonwealth law. The parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Victoria.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our collection or use of your information and privacy, or for further clarification of disclaimers, terms and conditions, please contact our site administrator via the Contact Us page.